Shadow of Spheres

shadow of spheres

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“The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very
conformable to the course of Nature, which seems delighted in
transmutation.” – Isaac Newton, Optiks 1704

Light is a sensory form that we all rely on: it has an energy whose
presence provides us with a sense of sight. The partial obstruction of
light casts a silhouette illustrating where the light cannot reach, otherwise
known as a shadow. Opacity, transparency and translucency are
characterised through the cast of a shadow. It has been historically
documented that from the initial appreciation of light obstruction, there
was a development toward the understanding of optics. This in turn led to
the development of light-sensitive material, and therefore the
photographic camera.

Enduring Light focuses on this intimation of changing forms through
light, looking at the camera obscura as a natural phenomenon.

Techniques of the Observer illustrates solarised photograms on which have etchings of
old ideas of how the eye works (such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Decartes),
reaching back to initial understandings and workings of how we observe the
world around us.


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